VOLUNTARIADO – Colónias de Páscoa para crianças carenciadas

A AJUDE – Associação Juvenil para o Desenvolvimento, está a recrutar voluntários para a realização de uma colónia de férias de Natal, que será dinamizada na Cruz Quebrada, no período da manhã e tarde (de 18 a 22 de Março e/ou de 25 a 28 de Março das 9h30 às 17h30) com crianças dos 6 aos 12 anos.

Esta colónia consiste na concretizção de várias actividades e acompanhamento das crianças.

O Voluntário terá direito no final da actividade a um certificado de participação emitido pela Associação.

Junta-te a nós e vem ajudar quem mais precisa!

Ver Oferta de Emprego: http://www.net-empregos.com/1601672/voluntariado-colonias-de-pascoa-para-criancas-carenciadas/?utm_source=ticker#ixzz2Mf7ENQLG

Chamada para a Bolsa de Formadores do Fórum Europeu de Juventude

From: 01/04/2013
To: 31/03/2015
Application deadline: 05/03/2013 11:59 (CET)
Description of event: The European Youth Forum (YFJ) is currently replenishing its Pool of Trainers and Facilitators (PoT) and is therefore looking for trainers and facilitators interested in being part of a dynamic resource group ready to undertake the exciting challenge of working voluntarily in this YFJ structure.

In the PoT you will not only have a chance to cooperate with 29 other enthusiastic trainers but you will also get a chance to contribute to the work of the European Youth Forum and its member organisations.

The Pool membership is limited to 30 members. The de facto number of members will be determined by the number of qualified candidates. Should there be any vacant places at the end of this replenishment process, the Board of the YFJ will decide on the possibility to open a new call for candidatures during its mandate for 2013-2014.

The functioning and profile of the trainers to be selected will be based on the new Work Plan adopted at the General Assembly in Maribor 2012, in order to contribute to the services we provide to our member organisations. Therefore, the preference will be given to applications by candidates who are working on the topics and policy areas of the YFJ.

The selection will also aim at having a balance in gender, nationalities, member organisations, expertise and experience within the PoT. This balance will guarantee that the diversity of our membership is reflected in the PoT. The balance in expertise has been introduced to make sure that also fresher trainers may enter the PoT and get the chance to develop in this working structure.

Selection criteria: Profile of the PoT members:

• The trainers and facilitators must be active in a youth organisation that is member of the European Youth Forum;
• The trainers should have at least 3 experiences in training at the European or international level (full time trainer );
• The trainers and facilitators should have a good knowledge of training pedagogies, methods and methodologies;
• The trainers and facilitators must have a good knowledge of the European Youth Forum and have an overview of its policies and Work Plan;
• The trainers and facilitators must have a good knowledge of the European and international institutions;
• The trainers and facilitators should be familiar with youth policies on the national, European and global level;
• The trainers and facilitators should be familiar with youth work realities on the national, European and global level;
• The trainers and facilitators must have a good understanding of intercultural learning;
• The trainers and facilitators must be 35 years old or less by the end of 2014;
• The trainers and facilitators have to be able to speak and train in English and/or French. Knowledge of other languages is highly desirable.
• The trainers and facilitators should have expertise in any of the three chapters of the YFJ Work-Plan 2013-2014: Youth Participation, Strong Youth Organisations and Autonomy and Inclusion;
• Coming from the regions (EEC; SEE) and/or possessing the expertise in working in the regions and countries where significant support is needed in the sense of youth work and youth policy development shall be an asset;
• Experience in developing new methodologies, and incorporation and usage of innovative approaches will be considered a plus;
• In the selection, a balance between more experienced trainers and facilitators and less experienced ones will be sought.
• The applicants should have expertise in one or more of the new modules for our Membership Services: Organizational Management and Networking, Financial Management, Advocacy and Lobbying, Efficient Meetings Facilitation, Training of Trainers and Facilitators in Non Formal Learning, Human Resources Management, Volunteers Management Programmes, Project Management, Funding opportunities and Fundraising

Number of participants: 30
Additional infos: Selection procedure

The selection will be based on the profile mentioned in the document and the general quality of the application form. It will also take into account a gender, skills and geographical balance inside the Pool of Trainers and Facilitators.
The final selection of the members of the PoT will be made by the Board of the European Youth Forum.

Both the Member Organisation and the applicants themselves will be informed of the selection results as soon as possible after the deadline, most probably the week after the Board meeting scheduled for 15-17 March 2013.
Should you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Jo Deman, Membership and Partnership Officer jo.deman@youthforum.org at the European Youth Forum Secretariat.

Voluntários Salas de Estudo e Voluntários Psicólogos Treino de competências Pessoais e Sociais

Centro Social Imaculada Conceição da Paróquia de Santa Joana, Princesa em lisboa – Alvalade, necessita de VOLUNTÁRIOS/ para acompnhamento nas salas de estudo e Treino de competências Pessoais e Sociais (Psicólogos), para crianças dos 6 aos 12 anos, em regime de VOLUNTARIAD0.

A todos os interessados com, forte motivação social e disponibilidade de tempo

O Centro Social situa-se em Lisboa na freguesia de Alvalade.

Agradecemos a contribuição de todos aqueles que se enquadram nesta filosofia: Dar do seu tempo a quem mais precisa.
Nota: Precisamos nos seguintes horários:
2ª Feira das 15:00 às 16:00 – Treino de Competências Pessoais e Sociais
2ª Feira das 16:30 às 18:30 – Acompanhamento nas salas de estudo
6ª feira das 16:30 às 18:30 – Acompanhamento nas salas de estudo

Agradecemos aos interessados indicação dos dias e áreas de interesse, no email.

Ver Oferta de Emprego: http://www.net-empregos.com/1625447/voluntarios-salas-de-estudo-e-voluntarios-psicologos-treino-de-competencias-pessoais-e-sociais/#ixzz2IiivDMvf

Voluntários/as para o Espaço Social de Eiras

Caro(a) Voluntário(a)
O Banco de Voluntariado da Associação Juvenil ASOS – Soltar os Sentidos, encontra-se neste momento a recrutar voluntário/as para o novo Espaço Social de Eiras, neste irão ser dinamizadas atividades durante todo o ano nomeadamente durante o período de férias escolares, contamos com a tua presença e o teu contributo na dinamização deste espaço tão importante para nós e para a comunidade da freguesia de Eiras.
De modo a permitir uma integração neste projeto iremos proceder a uma entrevista a todos os interessados, assim como participarão em formações no âmbito do voluntariado.

Caso estejas interessado/a em colaborar/participar, por favor responde a este email, com o teu nome e o motivo do teu interesse em participar neste projeto, colocando no assunto: Voluntário/a para Espaço Social de Eiras.

Após a confirmação, em tempo oportuno, será confirmada a seleção, assim como a proposta de uma data para entrevista.


Via: OIMT (Observatório de Inserção no Mercado de Trabalho)